Classic Egypt: a cruise down the Nile

Published on Yahoo Lifestyle UK & Ireland on 20th April 2014:

Philae Temple, Lake Nasser

I remember reading about Egypt as a child; it was a place of pyramids and Pharaohs with a history that’s as ancient and as long as the Chinese.

Over the years I read books, watched films and visited museums that featured snippets of ancient Egypt but had no real concept of what Egypt was in modernity. Until the last few years that is, when media coverage gave us an Egypt filled with revolutions and terrorism. So widespread were these reports that I had all but forgotten the Egypt I first encountered.

But there is that duality about Egypt, of the ancient and the modern, as I discovered on a recent trip there.

Read more at Yahoo!

Words – March 2014

Published this month:

On the blogs:

And some backdated photos:

How to stay safe while travelling in Egypt

Published on Yahoo Lifestyle UK & Ireland on 29th March 2014:

Luxor Temple

Since the events at Tahrir Square, many tourists have been reluctant to travel to Egypt. Each time a new incident arises, tentative travellers would cancel their plans with renewed concerns. The result has seen the country’s visitor numbers fall by some 90%.

With international press holding a dim view of safety in the country, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism Hisham Zaazou has even spoke of promoting Egypt without Cairo.

But is Egypt too dangerous to travel to? And how can you stay safe whilst there?

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A perfect weekend in Florence

Published on Yahoo Lifestyle UK & Ireland on 12th March 2014:


Many years ago when I went on my first holiday as an young adult, paid for with money earned from my first part-time job, I opted for Italy. At the time I was very much in love with Italian food, though admittedly didn’t really know anything about it.

My journey took me to Rome, Sorrento, Amalfi and was due to finish in Florence but a last minute change of plans meant that I never quite made it.

Over the years, work took me to increasingly far flung destinations like Lebanon, Dominican Republic and Tunisia. Florence, at a stone’s throw away, just sort of fell off the radar.

Read more at Yahoo!

36 world-changing travel moments

Published on CNN on 7th March 2014:

Also published on CNN Espanol on 9th March 2014

Just more than a hundred and ten years ago, Orville Wright became the first human to achieve powered flight.

On a calm, December 1903 day, helped by his brother Wilbur, Orville successfully launched their flying machine, maneuvered it through the air for 120 feet, and landed it safely.

Later that same day they achieved another flight of 852 feet in 59 seconds, to start the modern air travel era.

Since then numerous inventions, discoveries and milestones have been made.

Here are a few of our favorites.

Read more at CNN